Symphonic Dances

            The Symphonic Dances, Op. 45, is an orchestral suite in three movements. 
            Completed in 1940, it is Sergei Rachmaninoff's last major composition.

            The Symphonic Dances allowed him to indulge in a nostalgia for the Russia 
             he had known, much as he had done in the Third Symphony, as well as to 
             effectively sum up his lifelong fascination with ecclesiastical chants.  In the 
             first dance, he quotes the opening theme of his First Symphony, itself derived 
             from motifs characteristic of Russian church music.  In the finale he quotes 
             both the Dies Irae and the chant "Blessed art thou, Lord" (Blagosloven yesi, 
             Gospodi) from his All-Night Vigil.


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